
Monday, August 04, 2003


All photos on this site are copyrighted (c) by Jim Doty, Jr., and should not be reproduced without written permission.

Sunday, August 03, 2003


SPEC photos albums are at ImageEvent.com/JimDoty. The photographer's website is here.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

FINAL SPEC REPORT - Friday/Saturday

Well Readers,

This will be the final issue of the SPEC News for 2003. All the ribbons have been won, all the medals have been awarded. The "Extravaganza (Footloose)" was a great show last night. And the dance was fun, and all too short for most who took our exit poll.

Today we all have our own delegation worship, one final whole camp closing activity, and then begins the vehicle packing and the trip home. Again for some a few minutes, or hours. For some most of the day. And for a few several days of driving to get home. The Denver part of the Rockies will be home around midnight. The Wyoming group takes a little longer. The Montana group will take two days and the folks from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada won't be home till at least Monday night.

Most of the youth polled say SPEC was awesome. Friendships were made or strengthened. Some romances have been started, some rekindled. But most of all many youth in the church have, for the first time, seen the church as much larger than their own congregation, or youth group. They have really seen the potential of a Community of Christ. And they go home with ideas and suggestions of how to "Reach 4 Peace" in themselves, their families, and their various communities. Some will return home and be just the same. Others will return home with a desire to change the world, to make a difference in the world, to walk the path of the disciple.

If even one youth was changed, if one heart was softened, if one person can begin their own spiritual journey, then SPEC will have been a success. If you have a chance talk with the youth of our church, listen to their questions, ask about their story, hear their hearts. You may be, like this reporter, hopeful and confident that the voices of just a few vibrant witnesses can change the world.

Until SPEC 2004 this reporter says, thanks for reading, enjoy the photos, visit with a teenager, and be a part of a community that is making the world a better place. May God bless and magnify all you do for the cause of the Kingdom.

That's a wrap!!

A fellow servant,


Seventy Bob, your SPEC reporter

Friday, August 01, 2003

Received Friday morning.

SPEC REPORT - Thursday

Hello Readers,

Hope you've had a chance to catch up on the latest pictures of SPEC. There are several folders of pictures. We hope this new feature of the SPEC News will add to your enjoyment of SPEC. Jim, along with being on the SPEC News staff, is also a brother in the Lord, a brother Seventy, and a brother-in-law, as we are married to identical twin sisters.

Thursday was another sleep-in day at SPEC. The youth got to sleep in ('till 8:15) after another late night. It was the first day of medal play. So the brackets are formed, the teams are as evenly matched as is possible, and all the games count toward winning a gold medal. As you would expect "you win some, you lose some." Many teams will be moving up to the playoffs, some teams will be playing for third place. And even in that the youth seem to be having a good time, playing hard, competing well, and taking it all in stride.

Thursday was the all camp talent show. Musicians, vocal and instrumental, a magician, dancers, all combined together to provide an entertaining and enjoyable evening. God has placed a myriad of gifts into His children. God is an awesome God. If these young people can find ways to use the gifts God has given them in service and building community - Zion would not be far off.

Thursday was also the Communion Worship service. It is interesting trying to serve communion to nearly a thousand people. It takes a lot of music, which was provided by a piano, a concert harp, a violin and a trumpet. It was nice, but long. It does make for burning the midnight (and beyond) oil for this reporter.

In quiet reflection, with soft snoring in the background, I can't help but smile at the potential for the future. These youth are strong, gifted, articulate, gentle, compassionate, full of energy and spirit, and open to the leadings of God and the shaping, molding hands of their creator, not yet done with the creation.

As you walk the path of the disciple, it's my prayer that you will search deep within to recognize the gifts God has placed in you. May you be able to name and articulate those gifts. May you be open to using those gifts in service to humanity. And may God, gift you with enough of the vision, that you will see and know how and where God would have you use your gifts. As we invest in community the dividends will be beyond measure or imagination.

Friday morning is the track and field events as well as swimming. The other sports will finish up Friday afternoon. And Friday evening is "The Extravaganza". Don't forget to check out the SPEC photos at imageevent.com/jimdoty. Click on any SPEC folder, then you can click on individual thumbnails to see a larger photo, or just pick "slideshow".

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